
Empower Your Investments

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Seize Opportunities and Take Charge of Your Investments, Anytime, Anywhere

Real-time data your way. Wherever. Whenever.

Free real-time stock & ETF quotes, news, and charts. Stay up-to-date with the market when you are on the go. Personalize your app with customized Pro and Lite chart modes. Trade from anywhere with the confidence of 24 x 7 support.

Refine Your Watchlist with AInvest's Customizable Stock Screener.

Filter and focus new investment ideas using the AInvest stock screener. Use our preset screens or create custom lists with a wide variety of criteria. Screen stocks with fundamental and technical filters to refine trading ideas based on P/E ratios, 52-week moving averages, trade volume, price changes and more. Save custom screens to identify and track stocks that fit your trading strategies and goals.

Hi. I'm Aime. Your New trading intelligence.

I can scan news and markets to uncover personalized opportunities matched to your goals. I tailor advice to build your optimized portfolios using advanced algorithms. I work with you and learn from you, so I can personalize my advice to your preferences to provide specialized recommendations. Are you ready for institutional-grade insights to capitalize on market shifts without steep fees? You can do it. I can help.

Never Miss Top Headlines.

Fast, actionable, trading news. Get the latest news on the stock market and events that move stocks, with in-depth analyses to help you make investing and trading decisions. Track breaking news, market trends, hot topics, and all the information you need to invest smarter today.

Easy-To-Trade AI-Power Stock Ideas.

Follow simple AI-powered stock strategies, portfolios, lists, and chart indicators to raise the level of your trading. Magic Signal, Peak Seeker, Trendsight, Magic Portfolios, and Magic Day Trading will help you identify trends, time your trades, interpret technicals, leverage smart beta and prepare you with a trading plan every morning. Everything you need to make smarter investment decisions with AI.